Sherman's March (1985) Original Movie Poster 27x41 Folded
Sherman's March (1985) Original Movie Poster 27x41 Folded
"Sherman's March" (1985), directed by Ross McElwee, is a groundbreaking documentary that blends personal introspection with historical exploration. The film follows McElwee as he embarks on a journey through the American South, retracing General William Tecumseh Sherman's devastating Civil War march. As McElwee documents his encounters with various people and places, the film shifts focus to his own life and relationships, creating a unique narrative that intertwines his personal struggles with broader historical and cultural reflections. Known for its candid, self-reflective style and its insightful commentary on Southern life and history, "Sherman's March" has been praised for its innovative approach to documentary filmmaking.
Condition: Pre-Owned Good
good condition, folded, pinholes, sticker with text over text on top left of poster